The uncertainty and turbulence of the current marketplace has created unprecedented turnover in the management and leadership of organizations. Many organizations have discovered the value of an interim executive when the management needs of the organization cannot be met by existing staff. The following are a few situations to consider MD Strategic for assistance.
- Leadership Transition – It is not unusual for the recruitment and replacement of a suddenly departed administrator to take three to six months. An interim administrator can assure the financial and operational functionality and assist in recruiting, hiring and on-boarding of the new administrator.
- Mergers/Acquisitions – When two similar sized organizations merge, the new management structure is one of these most frequent points of contention. MD Strategic can provide independent guidance on the new structure and provide on site interim management during the first couple of months.
- Leadership Restructuring – The administrative demands and expectations of a medium practice (6-10 physicians) are significantly different than a large organization (20+ physicians). When the current structure or staffing is not meeting the needs of the practice, we can provide guidance and recommendations for restructuring and manage the transition to the new structure or staff.
- Political Independence – During a period of transition, a large medical group can be challenged by lack of consensus due to political alignments of the stakeholders. An interim administrator can act as an independent mediator to guide the practice through the transition without fear of political backlash.
- Change Management – The management of planned organizational change requires a special skill set that can only be gained through training and previous experience. We can work in tandem with your physicians and administration to mentor and lead the change management process to avoid fear, chaos and staff turnover.
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